Top French Films for Kids

The most effective and efficient way to learn a new language is to take it with you outside of the traditional learning setting. For kids, this is especially important. We know that they’re learning new French vocabulary and communication skills in the classroom, but what about outside of school?
Why not watch a fun French movie with your kids? It’s the perfect way to incorporate French learning into their fun time, and you may even pick up a bit yourself!
We’ve compiled a list of 30 best French films (and TV series) for kids and for the whole family. For more info on how to access these films, read until the end.
Happy viewing!

* All Disney films have French versions (and are easier to understand once they have already viewed them in English)

* La mystérieuse Mademoiselle C

* L’incomparable Mademoiselle C

* The TV series “Passe-Partout”

* The TV series on Mini-TFO

* Les contes de la nuit

* Ernest & Celestine

* Kirikou et la sorcière

* Le grand méchant renard et autres contes

* Le Journal d’Aurélie Laflamme

* À vos marques…Party!

* Kung Fu Panda (in French)

* Babine

* L’odyssée d’Alice Tremblay

* Une vie de chat

* Un monstre à Paris

* Les Triplettes de Belleville

* Noémie – le secret

* Astérix et le domaine des Dieux

* A series of films: “les Contes pour tous” made by Roger Melançon:

* Le papillion bleu

* Trois hommes et un couffin

* La grande seduction

* Camelot (YouTube comedy series)

* Les Boys (1, 2, 3 et 4)

* Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre

* Astérix aux jeux olympique

* Le petit Nicolas (le film)

* Maurice Richard

* Dans une galaxie près de chez-vous

* The TV series “Les Parent” on Radio-Canada

* Les Choristes

Top French Films for Kids (french4kids)